Approved CIPP systems.
Perfectly suitable for curing with bluelight equipment technology.
Flexible synthetic fiber with PU coating (PAA-F-Liner)
or GRP-carrier (PAA-GF-Liner)
Styrene-free based on Vinylester (PAA-F-Liner or PAA-GF-Liner)
or styrenated Polyester (PAA-GF-Liner)
Patent-protected photo-initiators developed for certified, approval- and standard-conform cure with Bluelight LED light-sources
According to the standard EN ISO 9001
DN70 to DN500
Diameter changes: 2D and 3D possible depending on product
Length: up to 100m in one line (in exceptions even longer)
Bends or elbows: depending on product up to 90 degrees
Open ends: possible with the use of a translucent inner silicone hose